I Rise.

 Today is the first day that I am working with the creative team from RLabs. This marks my beginnings on a journey to become a beacon of trust and hope for my community. To take it into the lingo of my blog, this is me adding the yeast to my dough.

Why yeast? Well, like most things that are good for you, yeast is not particularly great tasting on its own but it joins a confection of ingredients to make for a beauty filled symphony of taste. This experience with RLabs is not going to be surface value fun, it will be tough, I know this, I expect this, I want this. I know that I am going to be challenged to think in different ways and see things with a different set of tinted glasses, but I am no way intimidated by this.

The yeast to this recipe- I think I'm making some pizzas- is the thing that will not be known when my friends are all feasting. I know that after all of this, no one will look at me and say: "My gosh! Brent and Christine did a great job training you!" or "That training in that really cold room on that really hot day was just what you needed"; people are only going to appreciate the finished product but I want to take this moment to show my appreciation to my yeast.

I will Rise. I am Rising. I will have Risen. I will Rise with YOU!

Of all the things in life I need, This I Knead.

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