The heat before the kitchen... (Where to start?)

"I think of myself as something of a connoisseur of procrastination, creative and dogged in my approach to not getting things done."
 - Susan Orlean

Much like most people I know, I know this is about to cast a damning shadow on the company I keep, I have developed a wonderful knack for procrastination. I had to come down to the diagnosis that, however non-professionally backed it may be, I am daunted by my own genius. 

As the Susan Orlean quote above so aptly puts it, I am a connoisseur. One with a refined taste for something. My something happens to be caused by my human condition. The fine placement of being a hippy at heart (#HAH - this will be a trend, I promise), an artist, having an overactive imagination and always setting tasks for myself to do albeit all at once; these are what have helped me refine my procrastination. 

I am no stranger to grand tasks but as I found myself reading an entry on titled Top 10: Habits That Make You More Productive, an act that I undertook as a preparatory measure, I realise that it is all common sense and things I just simply 'don't have time' for. Ironically, the 10th item on the list was to "Make To Do Lists" which is something I am really good at. I just make three separate lists in my head and then sit there arguing which list/items must get prime attention. 

I often catch myself in the kitchen making tea thinking: 'Gotta wash that shirt', 'I need to find that book of American plays', 'Oh! I haven't called my mother', 'Don't forget to put sugar in your tea', 'At some point I need to brainstorm on that graphic', 'When last did I dance? I need to go do some dancing before I start work', 'I'll need to wash my other jeans so I can wear them tomorrow'... and this continues until I have achieved the fourth item on the above list- I didn't number them so you could experience what it's like for me having to revise lists. Now, you'd be kind to say that I have a good memory, I do but it competes with by speedy mental activity.

Habit 6: Set Milestones: It's nice to have grand aspirations and goals in life, but it's also effective to set milestones along the way. If you're ever taking on a big project, the idea of completion can be too overwhelming to really be productive.

My first milestone was to set up a writing blog- so that I have a reason to write on a daily basis. What came after publishing my first entry Welcome to the Bakery was me flying into a crazed frenzy of questions: What to publish next? When? How long? What tone? Will anyone read it? Who cares? Do I care? Is this even doable? Now, I'd understand if I were a first-time blogger or writer but I am not, I have a healthy spread of blogs- some that remain for my personal use/growth/pleasure. This brings me to the idea of feeling the heat before you've navigated your way to the kitchen. 

I know why I need this blog. I must write. There are no two ways about this fact. I have been granted the pleasure of becoming a magazine columnist but I fear that I simply do not write enough. I think a lot. I have written novels, plays, articles, poems and songs ALL IN MY HEAD. My kitchen is my laptop. I do everything possible to prepare myself and when I get to the kitchen I start to snack. I open a gazillion 'How To' tabs to get myself ready to write. Then I waffle on facebook or troll the web reading recommended articles and posts. Then it's tomorrow and 'I've got to sleep before I can write this' - and so the cycle has persisted for many months. 

I am now here in my kitchen, breaking out into a minor sweat, but at least I am here. With all the stresses of success that I have placed myself under, I am going to trust my talents and genius that I know I harbor. You are humbly- ironic but true- invited to come on this journey with me. So, if you've done me the great justice of stomaching a 700+ word hyperventilation, let's talk about this. Yes, I am starting now. Now. Now-Now.

This week will be the beginning of my 15 Day Challenge. I will publish a single post executed in a single sitting. I will keep each entry fresh, funky and fabulous (#TripleF). Picking up hints from 30 Day Challenge Archive, I'll be navigating my way through my literary grocery store of letters, poems, songs, short stories, monologues and whatever else I get inspired to write during one of my preparatory spins on the 'How To' scene.

Of all the things in life I need, This I Knead.

Share with Me. 


  1. Love the cooking analogy! Interesting how you chose the kitchen...... hot, dangerous, productive (but at a cost!) expensive! naughty but nice, scary, stressful, creative, delicious...I could go on! I will enjoy the linguistoculinary journey with you if I may? what do you say? I am inspired! Kayx

    1. Thanks so much Mrs D. I invite you to join me on this journey. let's see what comes of this experience.

      Of all the things in life I need, This I Knead.


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